What are Friendly URLs?

A friendly URL is a Web address that is easy to read and includes words that describe the content of the web page.

This type of URL can be "friendly" in two ways. 

  1. It can help visitors remember the Web address, and
  2. It can help describe the page to search engines.

Friendly URLs that are short and easy to remember are considered "user-friendly URLs" and are a great Marketing tool. These URLs help visitors remember web addresses, which means they can revisit pages by simply typing in the URL address bar.

Choosing a Friendly URL

When choosing a friendly URL, you'll want to follow these tips:

  1. Use relevant and descriptive keywords - Do a keywords search before creating your URL.
  2. Use hyphens instead of underscores - Search engines often read words with underscores as one word.
  3. Keep it short - In addition to just being more convenient to type and remember, shorter URLs are less likely to be seen by search engines as keyword stuffing. Four to seven words is a good guideline to follow.

Remember, you're writing these URLs your users and the search engines your website and its pages more accurately.

Uses for Friendly URLs

  • Redirecting people to a third level navigation: Your Suites page is buried under two layers of navigation so the URL is long and hard to remember, e.g. www.venue.com/plan-your-visit/preferred-seating/suites. Create the Friendly URL www.venue.com/suites to include on information materials.
  • Linking to Hidden Pages: You have a page dedicated to volunteers, members, suite holders or other VIPs that is password protected and is hidden from the main navigation. Create the Friendly URL www.venue.com/volunteers and send it out to those individuals along with the password so they never have to struggle to find the link.
  • Advertising an event: Similarly to our example above, you want to send out an ad to help support sales for a particular event. The URL for the event is http://www.venue.com/events/detail/eventname.
  • http://www.venue.com/events/detail/eventname. Create the Friendly URL "www.venue.com/event" to make it easier to remember and look better on the ad.

Read our article, "Creating Friendly URLs in Showtime" to get started!